Working Movement Into Your Busy Schedule

Incorporating Meaningful Movement

We all know that movement and exercise are important for our mind + body. There are many factors that may prevent us from completing our routine, but the most common hurdle we hear is TIME. It can be difficult to fit a 30-minute or 1-hour workout sesh into our day; we balance work, kids, errands, appointments, cleaning…and the list goes on. And unfortunately, no exercise can mean no alone time to think, trouble sleeping leading to stress...adding up to an unhappy self and/or kiddos. No bueno! Instead of focusing on making it to an early morning yoga class or 1-hour spin session, incorporating movement into your day in a way that works for you AND your jam-packed schedule can make the idea of exercise seem much less stressful. A few minutes of exercise here and there can really add up!

Here are 5 ways that your day can include movement and FUN without the planning and extra stress.

1. Workout while working.

Each change in season provides plenty of opportunities for activity which also ends in a clean house or improving curb appeal. Raking leaves, weeding, cleaning the garage, painting, scrubbing the kitchen floor, or using the wheelbarrow are all activities that require some serious muscle.

2. Play with your kids.

One of our favorite summertime activities is a festive game of tag after dinner. It typically results in tired legs, sweaty little bodies and lots of laughter! Remember that pile of leaves you raked? Jump in it with them! Run through the sprinkler, help shovel snow to make a fort, ride bikes together, or take a family hike. Besides the benefit of exercise, playing together can strengthen your family bond and create wonderful memories.

3. Turn on music and dance it out!

Stop what you’re doing, turn on your favorite music and DANCE! Have a dance party with your kids or a solo sweat session. Besides the benefit of exercise, dance is a great outlet for just letting go!

4. Make your activity count.

If you find yourself standing in the bathroom drying your hair, add some squats. Increase your walking speed or add trips up and down the stairs. Walk (or jog) your kids to school or the bus stop. Add a few push-ups when you’re picking up toys off the floor. Before you know it, you’ll have a full body workout!

5. Be active with friends.

Instead of meeting up with your girlfriend and having a sedentary coffee or lunch, grab it to go and take a walk or hike in the woods and set-up a picnic. Check out a new yoga studio or pack the kids in the stroller and take a walk while catching up. Communities often have mom meet-up exercise groups that the kiddos can join. Adding social time to your exercise, and regular weekly activities, provides a solid network of support, proven by scientists to improve mental health!

See, it’s easy-peasy! Start small and incorporate movement that brings you joy and positive energy into your day. Remember to have FUN with your activity! Visit our Pinterest page here for more active inspiration.