Daily Tips To Reduce Stress


Stress. If there’s one thing in common amongst us all, it’s this 6-letter word. Why is the consideration of stress so important in our lives? How can we reduce stress and push it appropriately to the sidelines to regain focus, balance, and wellness?


 “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”


Stress isn’t always a bad thing. Stress can be positive (eustress), as in navigating through a situation to end at a positive outcome, or negative stress (distress) with a perception that the stressor is a threat and will have a poor outcome. We’ve all experienced it - sweaty hands before a big presentation or a pounding heart while watching a scary movie. This automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as protection from their predators and other threats. Faced with danger, our bodies kick into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate heart rate, increase blood pressure, boost your energy, and prepare you to deal with the problem. Today, you’re not likely to face the same threats as our ancestors, but we worry about common things as relationships, children, paying bills, and meeting deadlines. When we’re consistently stuck in this “on” position, or the so called “fight or flight” response, this can lead to serious health consequences.


What Does Stress Look Like?

Stress can take many forms, including irritability, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, worry, weight gain, or even frequent infections like having a cold. It is known that at least 25% of women suffer from anxiety. We’re often faced with balancing our households and being the best multitaskers - sometimes a blessing, other times a curse. What is important is that we learn to recognize stress and accept its presence to begin to get a hold of it.

From another viewpoint, stress can promote the development of other poor lifestyle or relationship decisions. We often “handle” or “balance” stress by reaching for sugary foods, consuming coffee all day to power through, making bad relationship choices, or consuming excessive alcohol. These habits compound our stress wreaking havoc on our internal environment.

  • Drug addiction

  • Frequent illness

  • High blood pressure

  • Eating disorders

  • Digestive problems

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Cancer

  • PMS

  • Headaches

  • Infertility

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular periods

  • Depression

  • Low sex drive


The above are just a selection of conditions associated with stress; there are many more. Identifying your stress and finding healthy ways to manage it will provide a balance in life.

We offer 5 stress reduction tips: 

  1. Eat Well (and supplement if needed)

    As mentioned above, consumption of caffeine, sugar, and processed foods causes a massive blood sugar roller coaster...causing a constant state of stress and inflammation. We reach for these items over and over again, creating a vicious cycle and long-term bad habits. To create some balance and shift your body, it’s important to consume regular meals daily, including a solid breakfast foundation. It’s wise to skip the morning caffeine if you can and include good quality fats as coconut and olive oil, good quality protein as free range eggs or organic chicken, organic veggies, fruits, and a sprinkle of nuts and seeds.

    To help guide your body back on track, you can add in daily magnesium and B-Complex to provide support and calm for your nervous system. We love using 1) Natural Calm in the evening to promote relaxation and improved sleep. Add 2) Methyl B Complex with breakfast to foster energy and the ability to combat stressors that find their way into your day.

  2. Find your Zen.

    Relaxation or the act of meditation may look different for each one of us. Just a few minutes of quiet with deep breathing has been shown to have psychological benefits, including decreased irritability, improved memory, heightened creativity, and increased happiness and emotional stability.

    Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Take a deep, steady breath in through your nose for a count of 3, then slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 3. Just a minute or two of this exercise can lighten your mood.

  3. Exercise.

    How many times have you dreaded a workout only to feel amazing when finished?! Getting your blood pumping is one of the best ways to de-stress. The activity doesn’t have to be time consuming - a 10-minute brisk walk, a quick yoga routine, or grabbing your kids jump rope for a few turns. A simple, quick active routine can help settle your mind and mood.

  4. Connect with friends.

    Days or weeks can fly by moving through the same routine - working, busing kids around, and maintaining the household. Some quality girl time is often just what the soul needs. Don’t live near your good girlfriend? Call them up and discuss something fun! Often times realizing you’re not in it alone can improve your overall outlook.

  5. Adjust your attitude and enjoy life!

    It’s easy to lose perspective and get caught in the daily routine. Step back, take a deep breath, and think about what’s truly important to you. Take control and identify the things in your life that are causing you the most stress. It’s not always easy to navigate, but you can shift your situation by altering your mindset, keeping things in perspective, and reaching out for help if needed. Don’t be afraid to say “NO” and set boundaries. A slight shift in attitude and giving yourself permission for control can be re-energizing and guide your road to happiness.

    If this idea seems overwhelming, please reach out for professional help and support from family or friends. It is extremely important to express yourself in a healthy manner, both for yourself and your family. We believe in you, Kale Blossoms!


** These supplements can be purchased directly through our curated Wellevate dispensary.

1) Natural Calm by Natural Vitality

2) Methyl B Complex by Ortho Molecular