Postpartum Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a brilliant modality for everyday needs, and especially helpful during the early postpartum window. Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that was developed at the end of the 17th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician.
Homeopathy believes that using extremely minute diluted amounts of plants and minerals can help the body repair itself by promoting healing. This alternative medicine is extremely popular worldwide!
Some homeopaths propose that homeopathic remedies work as nanomedicine. They believe the original ingredient is broken down through potentization into nanoparticles, even if it’s below the level of detection. Which is also why it has a remarkable safety record.
Following are our favorite homeopathic remedies for the early postpartum window:
Arnica montana - After traumatic injuries, including birth. Overuse of any organ, muscles, strains, especially after long labor. Soothes muscles of the vagina & uterus, and gives great sense of relief & comfort after delivery. For visible bruising.
Caulophyllum - Labor afterpains, spasmodic in character and discomfort moves across the lower part of the abdomen, especially after a prolonged & exhausting labor.
Kali carbonicum - Labor afterpains - pains are sharp & cutting; nearly all better by motion. Sensitive to every atmospheric change and intolerance of cold air + cold weather.
Natrum muriaticum - Grief, especially in how birth unfolded; disappointment. Sadness but not wanting consolation from others; wakes at night with mind ruminating; migraine worse on the right side of head.
Phosphorus - Heavy bleeding after birth; worse when alone/by herself, better with people around; dizziness, brain fog, thyroid issues, fear of something bad happening to her or baby.
Phytolacca - Breastfeeding difficulties/issues; engorgement, painful nipples, clogged ducts, mastitis; stabbing pain moves through the back.
Pulsatilla - Sad, crying readily, weepy, very emotionally sensitive. Seeks the open air; always feels better there, even though she is chilly. Drawing, tensive pain in thighs & legs, with restlessness, sleeplessness & chilliness. Wants to be held & comforted.
Sepia - Marked irritability, impatience especially towards husband/partner + children. Hormonal fluctuations leading to mood changes. Desire to flee. “Baby blues”, uterine prolapse, pelvic floor weakness. May feel apathetic, resentful, burdened.
Staphysagria - Most important remedy for c-section healing, perineal tearing + repair. Symptoms: female body parts very sensitive, worse sitting down. Prolapse, with sinking in the abdomen; aching around the hips. Muscles, especially calves, feel bruised. Backache, worse in morning before rising. Previous sexual abuse history, traumatic birth re-triggers.
Viburnum opulus - Great uterine tonic, helpful in after pains. Colicky pains in pelvic organs.
You can locate these, and other homeopathic remedies, in our online Fullscript Dispensary at a discounted price.
Please consult with your healthcare provider prior to beginning any new supplement.