Welcome to Simplicity!

If you have opted in to complete the optional labwork, we will be emailing your lab order shortly. Please allow at least 48hrs. Each participant will be receiving an email containing course content at the beginning of each week.

Course Schedule:

Week 1: Feb 19-Feb 25

Part I: General Health & Wellness

Part II: Sleep

Week 2: Feb 26-March 3

Part I: Nutrition & Hydration

Part II: Labwork + Live! Zoom #1 Q & A session (Feb 28)

Week 3: Mar 4-Mar 10

Part I: Movement & Exercise Part II: Mental + Emotional Health

Week 4: Mar 11-March 17

Part I: Environmental Health + Hormones

Part II: Health Maintenance + Live! Zoom #2 Q & A session (Mar 13)

Additional lab instructions are as follows:

(Please read through and save for reference if you have opted into completing labs)

Labwork FAQ’s

We are happy to partner with RUPA Health to bring you thorough labwork at an affordable price. Upon registering for this course, and opting in to complete bloodwork through us, you acknowledge that we are not acting as your primary overseeing provider and that this is for health educational purposes only. If you have chosen to complete labwork and need assistance with in-depth interpretation or specific support, you will need to contact your primary care physician or find an integrative provider near you to assist you further.

Where do I go to get my blood drawn?

Here’s a link to find a local lab to facilitate your blood draw: https://labs.rupahealth.com/phlebotomists

 Most lab facilities ask that you make an appointment to avoid long wait times. Please go ahead and make your appointment right away so you can get a date & time that is convenient for you. Results usually take two weeks so the sooner you have your blood drawn, the more likely your timeline for results will align with our Live Q&A session. This will be an opportunity for you to ask us specific questions about your lab results.

What do I need to do on the morning of my test?

Additional instructions are as follows: 

1. Fast X 8 hours

2. Drink at least 8-12 oz of water prior to the blood draw, on the morning of; being hydrated helps to make for an easier time drawing your blood

3. Take all of your medications the morning of your blood draw as you normally would

4. Have your blood drawn before 10 am to ensure accurate results

 How can I locate an Integrative/Holisitic Provider near me?

1. www.IFM.org under their “Find a doc” tab, you can enter your specific zip code

2. www.Naturopathic.org under their find a doc tab, you can enter your specific zip code

3. Local Holistic Mom’s groups on Facebook are usually great resources, but be sure to vet the provider 1st

How do I figure out what my lab results mean?

We will share a basic lab interpretation hand-out that includes the optimal ranges we look for in practice. You can use this as a guide to interpret on your own. You may also ask us questions during our LIVE Q&A group sessions. If you need more in-depth interpretation support, you will need to contact your primary care physician or find an integrative provider near you to assist you further.

Please email us at hello@kaleblossom.com if you have any questions. Please allow 1-2 business days for a reply.