Overdoing Exercise May Be Undoing Your Health

Who would have thought, too much exercise may be bad for your health?! Huh??

Scientists have proven that exercise triggers a whole host of biochemical changes within the body, including the release of neurotransmitters like cortisol, dopamine and 5-HTP. Which can certainly be SPECTACULAR for health, however…this may eventually cause an imbalance within the entire endocrine axis, leaving patients worse off than prior to exercising. (we know! Right?! What the heck?!) Unfortunately, if too much exercise continues, it may lead to mood changes, weight gain (usually the very opposite of our desired outcome!), problems sleeping, gut dysfunction, nutrient depletion and so much more.

If you already struggle with hypothyroidism, an autoimmune condition, adrenal dysfunction, gut problems, immune system weakness, chronic fatigue or toxicity, you may be at an increased risk for undermining your health through excessive exercise or overtraining. Think of it like this, your body is already managing a LOT! And it simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to take on any additional stress, including intense exercise.

Another problem is the excessive immune activation that may occur with overdoing exercise. Any stressors on the body can pump up inflammation. (Exercise = stress to the body, stress causes inflammation.) Research has actually proved that overtraining can lead to an increased risk of respiratory infection… no thank you!

Chris Kresser wrote a great article entitled “Why you may need to exercise less”. He points to this very topic detailing the fact that if a person is working towards a state of “physical exhaustion on a regular basis” with her exercise regimen, added to already being stressed and exhausted, it certainly becomes a recipe for disaster and is counter-productive to health.

Cross Fit, Orange Theory and many others are currently super trendy… and for good reason! They motivate people to get moving, create community + a super, supportive social environment and can certainly improve health. But just like we don’t all wear the same size undies, not all forms of exercise are right for everybody’s body.

So what’s a girl to do?? Try shaking things up a bit—walking x 20-30 minutes several days weekly, belly dancing classes, restorative yoga, tai chi, pilates, swimming (preferably in a saltwater pool), resistance band training or working with a personal trainer to find exercises designed just for you can all be fantastic. Exercise variety is key! Customized to what your body needs and what your body can handle.

Don’t get us wrong, blossoms! Regular movement and exercise are keys to healthy living and vitality but it’s important to pump the brakes and ensure the type, frequency + duration of exercise you’re doing is the right fit for your body. Talk to your doctor if you have questions or are doubting how you feel post-workout. Love you ladies, keep moving and grooving!



Overtraining, Excessive Exercise and Altered Immunity” Sports Medicine, Smith, April 2003