Pretty, Playful Progesterone

Progesterone is an immensely important hormone for us, ladies! Its name literally means “promotion of gestation” so naturally and rightfully so, it takes center-stage in conversations surrounding pregnancy-both in trying to achieve pregnancy and also during pregnancy however this pretty little hormone has far-reaching effects beyond the extent of pregnancy. It’s sometimes referred to the hormone that makes us feel pretty and playful, with a healthy libido and taste for fun! Yes, please!

As one of the most vital female hormones, let’s consider all of the various functions progesterone plays a role in:

  • Regulating monthly menstrual cycles along with its partner hormones: estrogen, LH, and FSH.

  • Preparing the uterus for implantation of an egg aka pregnancy!

  • For the brain to function normally, which is why most women with adequate progesterone levels tend to feel more neurologically balanced.

  • Indirectly lends towards healthy, vital skin.

  • Enhancing libido.

  • Modulating the nervous system, meaning it can help to protect and direct functions within the brain and nervous system.

Symptoms of progesterone deficiency may include:

  1. Menstrual cycle irregularities including skipping periods

  2. Miscarriage and fertility troubles.

  3. Decreased ovarian function.

  4. Mood imbalance.

  5. Sleep disruption or insomnia.

  6. Low libido.

  7. Intermittent bleeding/spotting in between menstrual cycles.

The great news is that there are wonderful ways to boost your progesterone and improve overall hormonal balance. Exercise, hydration and eating a balanced diet are great starting points for healthy hormones. Progesterone-supporting foods include beans, broccoli, brussels, kale, cauliflower and cabbage. Avoiding toxins and chemicals in your day-to-day environment (things like lotions, potions and perfumes!) helps limit the amount of xeno-estrogens (the fake estrogen mimickers) from being introduced into the body, which will invoke an artificial boost in estrogen and decrease progesterone. Taking care of your thyroid and adrenals by way of limiting stress is also crucial for balancing all hormones, including progesterone. Other natural medicine support for improving progesterone includes taking essential omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and botanicals such as maca, rhodiola + wild yam. And if you find yourself still struggling with low levels, bio-identical hormones may also be a key therapeutic strategy to discuss with your provider.

If you feel as though low progesterone may be to blame for you just not feeling like yourself, be sure to ask your qualified health care provider to help you investigate further. And if you’re looking for an accurate laboratory test, the DUTCH Plus hormone panel, by Precisions Labs gets our stamp of approval. This test utilizes saliva and urine so it’s easy to complete in the comfort of your own home which is great news! If you’re not able to access the DUTCH test, we also recommend this test by Thorne - you can order yourself and complete at home!

Happy hormone health to you!