Acne and Its Root Causes, Including (and Especially) DAIRY!
One of the most common complaints we hear in practice is one detailing the struggle with acne. When this affects the skin of the back, chest, shoulders and especially the face, it makes sense as to why anyone would be unhappy and want a resolution. After all, our skin is on display for all to see!
Medically speaking, there are different types of acne made up of various types of blemishes. Whether you have blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules, cysts, or plain ol’ pimples, the bottom line remains, your body is sending a clue that something is just not quite right. Conventional dermatological therapeutics most commonly include topical medications, antibiotics, peroxides, oral hormone blockers, birth control and even steroids. While some of these may “seem” to improve the problem, they are band-aids only and do not address the underlying root cause. Not to mention, many of these therapies negatively affect other systems within the body.
“What’s causing inflammation? What is the body reacting to...?”
Enter integrative medicine wherein we have a powerhouse toolbox to combat acne! One of the most rewarding parts of our jobs as holistic health care providers, is to investigate the root cause. We ask… What’s causing the inflammation? What is the body reacting to—stress? foods? sugar? hormonal imbalance? yeast or bacterial overgrowth? Chemicals? The answer can be any or all of the above! Thankfully, a person’s dietary contribution is beginning to be much more widely recognized as a triggering factor.
A recent review from the International Journal of Dermatology, newly published in January of 2021, analyzed medical research between the years 2009-2020 (over a decade worth of recent info!!!). It concluded that high glycemic index foods (high in sugar), dairy products, fatty food (not the good kind of fat!) and chocolate (eek! But remember, most chocolate has dairy) all promote acne.
“...there was a clear association between intake of dairy and in turn, the appearance of acne.”
In particular, there was a clear association between the intake of dairy and in turn, the appearance of acne. Several studies showed a statistically increased risk of acne with daily dairy consumption, starting as early as within the teenage years, but certainly with the tendency to carry on into adulthood.
Another study, with the clinical goal of aiming to achieve weight loss, placed over 2,200 patients who were overweight on a low glycemic (low sugar) diet. Interestingly enough, 87% of patients said their acne improved and 91% said they required less acne medication—not to mention, participants lost weight!
If you’re struggling with acne, you may want to try a dietary overhaul, kicking the dairy first. It’s a great place to start and sure to pack a punch. Acne protective foods were found to be essential fatty acids (think avocados, fish oil, walnuts, chia seeds, olive oil), fruit and vegetable intake (remember to buy organic when possible). Also, consider investigating your gut health, the products you use on your skin and in your home (give unnecessary chemicals the boot!), your stress level and how well your hormones are balanced, too… because at the end of the day, we all want to put our best face forward! Here’s to healthier skin and a healthier you!
Federica Dall’Oglio MD, PhD, Federica Fiorentini MD, et al. “Diet and Acne: Review of the Evidence from 2009 to 2020.” First published: 18 January 2021.
Dairy Consumption and Acne: A Case Control Study in Kabul, Afghanistan July 2019. “Can the right diet get rid of acne?” PubMed. American Academy of Dermatology.